A community of women and girls

The 1% club.

1% better every day.

At the Sweaty Sisters Club, our motto is “1% better every day”. As a professional female athlete myself, this is crucial to my success. I have a share portfolio, and compound interest is the basis of my wealth building. My success in the sporting environment is just the same. The 1%’s every day accumulate over time to build success. It doesn’t seem like much at the time, but I assure you it adds up. There will be highs and lows, however in the long term, the general trend is upwards. 

About the
Sweaty Sisters Club

First and foremost, the Sweaty Sisters Club is an online community where women and girls are inspired to pursue their athletic dreams. 


I am a professional female athlete, and I have many experiences to share about the professional sporting world. There is a lack of resources available that delve into what it takes to be a professional athlete, so I want to share my experiences with you all.


Whether you are aspiring to be a professional athlete, maybe you need some motivation, or maybe you are just curious. Whatever your reason for finding the Sweaty Sisters Club, I simply want to document my journey in the hope that I can inspire as many women and girls as possible to find that extra 1% each day to better ourselves.


We are capable of much more than we believe, and that is the first step to being a professional athlete.

About the founder

I have been a professional athlete for the past 6 years and training to get to that point for 5 years prior. I am still in the early stages of my career and hope to continue in the field for 10+ years to come. Throughout my career, I have learned a lot. From sports psychology to working hard, finding motivation, fuelling properly, and recovering well, I have done it all, and I want to share it with you. 


Being completely transparent, I will remain anonymous in this process. Maybe one day I will disclose the athlete I am, and it will be the greatest reveal of all time (probably not). The reason for remaining anonymous is I am still heavily invested in my career and striving to achieve my goals. I have two careers here – my career in professional sports and my desire to build the Sweaty Sisters Club.


Remaining anonymous allows me to keep these ventures somewhat separate. Additionally, this is not a means of boosting my brand. It is a platform where I can share my story in the hope that it sparks something within you all to find that extra 1% each day.  

I have a duty

I feel it is my responsibility to give back to the community. If I can inspire as many women and girls as possible to strive for their athletic dreams and find that 1% each day, I believe I am achieving this. 

Get in touch with me

I want to help you. Whatever your question, please don’t hesitate to email me, and I will get back to you with personal feedback that I think can help. Maybe you are striving to pursue sport; maybe you are struggling to balance school and sport, maybe you are just starting and want some help. Whatever your question, please get in touch. I want to help you 😊


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Talk to us

Have any questions? What to learn more about going that step further? Get in touch and we will help you find solutions. 

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